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뽀샵의 대가 킴 카다시안

페이지 정보



A lot to take in: Kim Kardashian flashed her perfect bottom to plug her KKW X MARIO lipstick in this Instagram post shared on Tuesday

어제 공개한 화보

Is that you Kimmy? Ms Kardashian posted an image to Twitter on Monday where she looked nearly unrecognizable

New and improved:&nbspThe Keeping Up With The Kardashians star came off more like an exotic brunette model than the TV personality her fans know so well as she modeled a bathing suit

Her note: The star's caption read, '10 years ago when we met I never dreamed we would be launching our own products together! I'm so proud of this collection of our favorite eye shadows and lips! Stay tuned... KKW X MARIO'

Having fun:&nbspOne tweeted changed the photo to give Kim a very small head, and did the same with Mario

The feedback:&nbspGail Gisehaltz said, 'That doesn't look entirely like Kim.' Myleeeza added, 'B*** when were these pics taken???? You look 27!!!!' while Emma The Wicked Witch Of Canada added, 'Neither of them look a day over 30 I am shoooook.' Coffee! then commented: 'Hot. Airbrushed, but hot!'

지난주 뽀샵 잘못해서 화제가 된 사진

Photo tricks! Kim  suffered a Photoshop fail, on an image she posted to Instagram on Saturday&nbspwhich squashed a car in the background and bent the curb


As it was: The 37-year-old reality television star was mocked by followers, after changes were made to the original snap

예전에 직찍으로 올라온 사진.  킴은 사진 내보낸 곳에서 포토샵으로 일부러 자신의 엉덩이를 어글리하게 만들어 내보냈다고 했지만, 사진사는 포토샵 없는 원본이라고 반박

And then there is this: There was an uproar when this image surfaced of Kim's bottom looking unflattering, but she later said it was Photoshopped to look ugly. The photo agency said that was not true. Taken in April 2017

추천 0

작성일2018-03-27 15:24

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