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노숙자들과 대화하며 전도중(?)인듯한 저스틴 비버

페이지 정보



Strong mentally and physically:&nbspThe 24-year-old pop star had just wrapped up a spin session at SoulCycle in Los Angeles

Baring gifts: Justin offered water and snacks to those laying on the hard concrete sidewalkMany thanks: The less fortunate seemed grateful for the pop star's generosity

Empathy: He took a moment to sit down with a man and woman who were willing to chat with him and at one point he even laid down horizontally to make the two people feel more at ease

Casually clad:&nbspThe Baby singer flung a blue and white Adidas jacket over a black and white T-shirt that featured a logo of hands folded in prayer

Sporty: He wore canary yellow Nike legwarmers beneath a tiny pair of white All-Star shorts that he paired with grey Yeezy sneakers

Giving back:&nbspThis is not Justin's first random act of kindness. In the past he has paid people's bar tabs, visited sick children, donated money to schools, and surprised underprivileged kids with Christmas gifts

Making a difference: The man talking to Justin seemed to really care about what he was sayingStop and listen: The homeless man and Bieber seemed to be having a vibrant conversation

Man of God: His heart for giving back may very well derive from his faith

'My love and my passion is people,' he said in an interview on The Bert Show. 'Slowly but surely I'm figuring out where I belong and what my purpose is and what I need to do for the world'

Self love: According to TMZ , the Canadian artist cancelled the last leg of his Purpose tour so that he could 'redidicate his life to Christ'Not advised: But despite rumors, his pastor Carl Lentz, who baptized Justin in 2015, did not advocate for the singer to cancel his remaining shows

God's work:&nbspHe carries a Bible almost everywhere he goes. And on Wednesday afternoon, Justin Bieber showed compassion towards the less fortunate when he sat down to talk to a homeless man and woman 

Weekly ritual: Since coming off the road, he has been seen attending church nearly every Sunday in Los Angeles 

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작성일2018-03-29 07:59

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