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As far as extracurriculars go, being an Olympic gold medalist isn't too shabby. On Wednesday night, Chloe Kim announced her first college acceptance after her snowboarding win for Team USA. "Exciting news!! So hyped to have gotten into Princeton!" she wrote in a tweet, according to sports site The Spun. "Guess I'll be doing this college thing soon
Chloe later deleted the tweet, although it's not clear why.

According to an ESPN feature from February, Princeton is one of Chloe's top choices. The others are Yale, Harvard, and Columbia, which she visited and interviewed for back in September. If Chloe ends up accepting her Princeton admission, then she'll be joining around 1,296 freshman this fall. According to a Princeton press release, this year's acceptance was the Ivy League school's most competitive yet, with only 5.5 percent of a record 35,370 making the cut.
Despite her new prestigious new admission letter, Chloe wasn't always sold on higher education. A USA Today profile from February reported that she'd once been "ambivalent on going to college," and that she had to be convinced by her dad, Jong Jin Kim, who said getting an education is important.
“Being in a class with kids, meeting new people and borrowing notes from other students, I’ve never done that before,” Chloe, who's home-schooled through an online program with Mammoth High School, told USA Today. “I’ve always had to fend for myself.”
Aside from college, Chloe's other two post-Olympics goals were catching up on sleep and going to prom. "I will try to go to prom, find me a boy," she told Good Morning America. We haven't seen any Chloe prom pics yet, but with prom season having just begun, she's still got plenty of time.
추천 0

작성일2018-03-29 14:33

dokdokorea님의 댓글

She is so cute! looking for cheerios cereal box with her pictures!!!
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