* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

마크 앤소니네와 요트 여행중인 베컴네 가족들

페이지 정보



The whole clan:&nbspThe 42-year-old sportsman was showing off his famously ripped physique while looking hunky in red shorts, as the entire clan rocked swimwear, bar the former Spice Girl, 43, who opted to cover up in a chic shift dress

Happy days: Victoria smiled sweetly and Marc while they chatted among themselves during the family day

The whole crew: Romeo opted to keep things stylish in a salmon pink top with a black baseball cap 

Selfie time! Victoria was snapping away as she took to the seas ahead of getting on the yacht with her beloved family 

Kicking back: David was certainly the centre of attention as he hosted the boat party while both he and Marc sipped drinks 

Great times! Harper (left) &nbspwas dancing with a pal as the rest of the family lived it up on the boat - clearly all having a fantastic time

Lady of the manor: Victoria watched on as the family dined while still sporting her covered up look 

Personal photographer? Marc seemed to be using David as the subject of his idyllic snap of the backdrop

Kicking back:&nbspIn typical Beckham style, the group were living it up in lavish style with the party in full swing for the day with Marc, David and Brooklyn all showing off their hunky figures in their swimwear

Cracking up! Marc was seemingly the joker of the pack as he led the group - with Victoria's usual pout transformed with a grin

Brother time! Brooklyn pulled his best Titanic impression as he posed at the helm of the boat 

Graceful: Victoria cut an elegant figure as she gazed at David and seemingly went make-up free behind her glasses

Cheers! The gents were enjoying some refreshing drinks as they lived it up on the boat, with David raising a toast 

Hunky: Both David and Marc were showing off their frames during their chilled out session on the shores

Spot the Brooklyn! While the family were at the back of the boat, Brooklyn stole some alone time as he enjoyed the view from the front 

Hitting the high seas:&nbspEnsuring the entire family were entertained, the boat was surrounded by inflatables for the kids to enjoy while the parents looked on lovingly

Father and son time: David was chatting with Romeo and Brooklyn during the Beckham's particularly lavish style of celebration

Dancing around: Marc and Victoria appeared to enjoy an impromptu dance session on the shores 

Having a laugh: Victoria and David gazed at one another adoringly from the side of the boat as he kicked back with his feet up

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작성일2018-04-04 07:28

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