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어제 유튜브 본사에서 총기 난사후 자살한 39세 여성 나심 아그담

페이지 정보



샌디에고에 사는 39세의 여성 나심 아그담. 이란에서 태어나 샌디에고에서 자람. 자신을 동물 애호가이자 채식주의자라고 소개하고 유튜브에 다수의 동영상들을 올려왔는데 자신의 동영상 조회수에 비해 유튜브에서 페이하는 돈이 적고, 자신의 동영상을 검열했다며 불만을 품고 있다가 어제 본사에 가서 총 난사함.  현재 한명의 남성과 두명의 여성은 총상을 입고 병원에서 치료중.

Aghdam seemed fixated on the belief that her YouTube views were sinking, posting screen grabs that showed her views had dropped by more than half in nine months 

Aghdam, who referred to herself as a 'vegan bodybuilder', also frequently posted about animal rights and posted with animals on her social media pages 

Aghdam even once posted a picture from her pet rabbit's funeral on her Instagram page 

Aghdam once joined a PETA protest at Camp Pendleton to fight the Marines' use of pigs in military-trauma training (pictured) 

Aghdam also had a separate Instagram account, which was sometimes censored because she posted graphic videos of animal abuse 

Aghdam founded a non-profit company for animal rights called Peace Thunder in 2011, but it is currently listed as 'dissolved' by the California business register

Aghdam did discuss the company in a past interview with Vegan Idea World, saying that veganism was not just a diet but a 'belief that affects all stages of life'

Aghdam also liked to post photos of herself in bright evening gowns and in various poses 

Aghdam also directed herself in music videos, one of which she claimed was the first 'Persian TV commercial and music video regarding animal rights and veganism'

Aghdam also posted this comparison, seeming to use what appears to be prosthetic breasts

She had been missing for two days and Aghdam's father warned police that she could be headed for YouTube because she 'hated' the company 

Nasim Aghdam, 39, has been identified as the woman who shot a man and two women with a handgun when she stormed YouTube's headquarters in San Bruno, California on Tuesday

Vegan bodybuilder, singer, athlete, artist, and director are just some of the words that Nasim Aghdam used to describe herself. In one video (pictured), she hit out at YouTube for imposing an age restriction on her work out video

Aghdam, who is from Southern California but is Persian, regularly complained online that YouTube were filtering and demonetizing her various video channels

Aghdam, who was a self-confessed animal rights activist and 'vegan bodybuilder', had a significant online presence with multiple YouTube channels and social media pages

Aghdam was a frequent user of YouTube who was furious with the company for their 'dictatorial' new policies

Aghdam was a prolific YouTuber who had ranted online against the company's new policies and for 'censoring her videos and not paying her'

Aghdam was a prolific YouTuber who had ranted online against the company's new policies

Aghdam is a self-described Persian animal rights activist and 'vegan bodybuilder'

총격사고 당시 유튜브 본사

Authorities found the shooter's body shortly after arriving. Her body, pictured above covered by a yellow tarp, was found near the shattered door (above on right) 

Authorities cover a body with a yellow tarp at YouTube¿s headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area on Tuesday after a female shooter opened fire before she shot and killed herself

Terrified employees were spotted leaving YouTube's headquarters in San Bruno, California in a line after a shooter opened fire on Tuesday afternoon

A SWAT team is picturing entering YouTube HQ in San Bruno, California, on Tuesday after reports of shots being fired inside 

An injured woman stands outside YouTube's headquarters in San Bruno, California. She was bleeding from the leg and had a scratch on her face but is not thought to be one of those shot

A YouTube employee cries on the phone  after escaping the shooting on Tuesday afternoon 

Officers and federal agents swarmed YouTube's headquarters complex just before 1pm after dozens of panicked employees called 911 to report gunfire

Heavily armed police stood guard outside the front entrance of YouTube's headquarters after the shooting broke out on Tuesday afternoon

Police search a building at YouTube's corporate headquarters as an active shooter situation was underway in San Bruno on Tuesday

YouTube employees leave the scene on Tuesday after a woman shot four people then herself

There was an onslaught of emergency vehicles at the scene moments after the shots were fired

Officers are pictured running towards YouTube's San Bruno HQ on Tuesday amid reports of a shooter

Google CEO Sundar Pichai&nbspsaid the parent company of YouTube was doing everything it can to support the victims and their families

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작성일2018-04-04 07:31

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