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Fitness blogger Brittney Elizabeth from Arizona, who has lost 95lbs advised followers to stop letting the scale determine your success

Jessi Jean fitness demonstrated just how different your body can look thanks to healthy eating and exercise, without the dial on the scale budging 

Veronica Leea from Madrid said that her figure proves that body transformation has nothing to do with 'losing weight'. 'So please STOP being obsessed about a number!' she said

Wellness coach Nicole Raczynski called for people to get rid of the 'stigma' associated with numbers on the scale

Strength and Nutrition Coach from Norway Odasofie Magnussen admitted she used to base her self-worth on the numbers on the scales before she realised 'weight doesn't mean anything' when it comes to measuring fitness

Blogger&nbspwholesome_lee revealed she's stayed the exact same weight throughout her fitness journey 

British fitness blogger Staci Baldwin has been training hard but her 'body composition was completely different' beforehand 

Melbourne blogger&nbspcreate.your.lifestyle hasn't lost weight, but has turned fat into muscle 

British blogger Nikki Gundy said that weight measures how heavy your body is, but not what it looks like 

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작성일2018-04-04 12:07

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