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13년만에 다시만나 사진촬영한 60세 샤론스톤과 49세 데보라 메싱

페이지 정보



Hey girl! Sharon Stone (R) reunited with her former co-star Debra Messing (L) for a leggy shoot while taping the eighth season of Variety Studio: Actors on Actors in Los Angeles on Sunday

Embrace: The Oscar nominee and the eight-time Golden Globe nominee appeared to have a blast catching up 13 years after their small-screen collaboration

But Sharon appeared to assert her dominance over Debra by playfully covering her face during the photo shoot promoting their episodeTheir episode airs June 19 on PBS SoCal KOCE

Messing  later gushed: 'Thank you @variety for an amazing day!'

Debra said: '@sharonstone you are a goofball & a deep thinker and I could have talked with you for 2 more hours'

Announced July 12: The Pennsylvania-born beauty (L) and the New York native (R) were both eager to get tongues wagging about their respective shows ahead of the  Emmy nominations

Behind-the-scenes: Stone scribbled pirate doodles on her portraitBehind-the-scenes: She surveyed the best shots on the laptop alongside Messing

Statement earrings: Stone wore a green-patterned pussy-bow blouse-dress and black ring sock-style heels selected by stylist Lindsey Dupuis Bledsoe

Action!&nbspHairstylist Giannandrea coiffed the All I Wish actress' signature platinum pixie cut and make-up artist Jo Baker made sure she was ready for her close-up

'I am obsessed with these @hsternofficial earrings!' Debra wore a sleeveless alice + olivia LBD with silver-embellished black Baldinini pumps selected by Will & Grace costume designer Lori Eskowitz-Carter

2005년 윌 엔 그레이스에 출연했던 샤론 스톤

'The Blonde Leading the Blind': The 60-year-old blonde once played therapist Dr. Georgia Keller in a 2005 episode of the flame-haired 49-year-old's NBC sitcom, Will & Grace

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작성일2018-04-30 08:46

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