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지문채취 Fingerprint detect Lift identify

페이지 정보



지문채취 Fingerprint detect Lift identify

지문 수집 collect fingerprint
지문 뜨기 how to Lift Fingerprints
지문검사 Examine fingerprint
보이지않게 잠재해있는 지문 Latent Fingerprints
CSI , Crime Scene Investigators

지문채취 가루 어떻게 만드나? how to make fingerprint dust [powder]

지문채취 가루 종류

찐덕한 물이 필요하면 마늘즙을 이용한다.
마늘 즙이 접착제로 사용 할 만큼 강하다.
너무 강하면 물을 조금 넣어라
영어 소개

Forensic UV Light 도 파는군요
Forensic 법의학적인, 범죄 과학 수사의
지문, 몸 액체, 머리칼, 물린자국, Bruises / Bite Marks / Pattern Wounds 상처 양식

Forensics UV Light for Crime Scene Investigation, Detect Invisible Markings, Fake Money, Scorpions, More ,,

homemade fingerprint powder



가위로 가는것 보다는
sandpaper 등급이 아주 섬세한 grade 600 사용?
방법 1,
바탕이 흰경우 -> 연필가루
바탕이 검은경우 -> baby powder , 흰 분필가루 white chalk powder
[ 가루 만들기 귀찮으면 walmart 나 상점에서 판다 ]

연필을 sandpaper 연마지 사포로 갈아서 가루를 만든다
[ 등급 grade 600 사용? ]

평평한 유리나 쇠에 지문을 눌러서 자국을 낸다

연팔가루 또는 유아용 땀띠가루 baby powder 를 뿌리고,
스카치테잎을 살짝 대고, 수건으로 살짝 누른다
Scotch Magic Tape or Scotch Packaging Tape

스카치테잎을 띠면 까맣게 또는 희게 지문자국만 남는다
방법 2,

* 재료 Materials
- A glass or smooth metal surface (where you have permission to test for finger prints!)
- Raw cacao powder if your test surface is light; baby powder if it is dark
- White paper if your test surface is light; black paper if it is dark
- A small bowl
- Clear tape
- A fine brush with soft bristles, such as a makeup brush
- Dust cloth
- Water
- Soap
- Hand lotion

* 준비 Preparation
- Pour a little of the cacao or baby powder into a small bowl.
- Wipe the smooth glass or metal surface that you are using for your experiment very thoroughly with the dust cloth.

* 채취 과정 Procedure
- Choose one finger of one of your hands and press it firmly onto the clean, smooth surface. Remember where you put it on the surface. Can you see your fingerprint?

- Dip your brush carefully into the cacao or baby powder. (If your fingerprint is on a dark surface, use the baby powder; if on a light one, cacao.) Only the tips of the bristles should be covered with powder. Then, tap the brush to remove any excess powder.

- Gently sweep the brush carefully over the area where you put your fingerprint. Make sure to not apply too much pressure so that you do not wipe the print away. If necessary, add more powder to the brush, but be careful not to add too much. What happens when you apply the powder to the surface? Can you see a fingerprint developing?

- When you are done, gently blow off excess powder from the surface and check your result. Did you get a visible fingerprint? How well can you see the print? Can you make out the fingerprint pattern?

- Use a piece of clear tape and carefully press the tape down onto the surface on top of the developed fingerprint. Peel the tape off and transfer the fingerprint onto a piece of paper. (If you used dark cacao, use white paper; for baby powder, use black.) Did you successfully transfer your fingerprint? Does it still look the same on the paper compared with your glass or metal surface?

- Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. Then, repeat the steps with the same finger you chose before. Did you get a fingerprint again? How does it look compared with the first one? Can you still see lots of details?

- Finally, apply some hand lotion and repeat the fingerprint steps again. How does this fingerprint compare with the previous ones? Is it easier or more difficult to detect?

- Once you have transferred all your fingerprints onto a piece of paper, compare your results. Do they all look the same? Which one can you see the best, the least? Can you explain your results?

- Extra: In this activity you tested a nice, smooth glass or metal surface. Do you think other surface textures or materials will result in fingerprints as well? There is only one way to find out! Test other materials such as paper, textiles or wood. How do fingerprints look on these surfaces?

추가 Extra:
Now that you are like a professional in collecting fingerprints from surfaces, try to find them in your house! Where is the best place to look for them? Can you find your own or some from your family members and make them visible? Be sure you have permission to dust on surfaces before you test them.
지문채취 가루 색 종류
fingerprint powder types
Ingredients in Fingerprinting Powder

* White Fingerprint Power
A common white powder is made from haddonite white, which is a dusting compound made from titanium dioxide, kaolin and French chalk or from titanium dioxide, purified talc and kadin lenis. Lanconide, another white powder, is made from zinc sulfide, zinc oxide, barium sulfate, titanium dioxide, bismuth oxychloride and calcium carbonate. Other white powders include titanium dioxide, white tempura or chalk. Mercury chalk is no longer used as a white fingerprint powder as mercury presents a serious health risk.

* Black Fingerprint Powder
Black fingerprint powder is used on light-colored surfaces. Common ingredients in black power include graphite, charcoal, lampblack, photocopier toners and anthrocene. Powders may also combine a number of compounds. Dactyl black is made from a combination of graphite, lampblack and gum acacia. Haddonite black is similar to dactyl black but uses powdered acacia instead of gum acaca. Another black powder is called Dragon's blood; it uses the powdered resin of the Daemonorops draco plant.

* Other Ingredients
Additional inorganic materials that are added to fingerprint powders include aluminum dust, fluorescent powders, magnet powders, lycopodium and other metal powders. Additional items commonly found in fingerprint powder include lead, mercury, cadmium, copper, silicon, titanium and bismuth. Lead and mercury are less common, as both materials present a health hazard.

* Application
Fingerprint powder is typically gently brushed onto an area, or it is poured onto an area and excess powder is blown away. Magnetic powders use magnetism to keep prints intact; a brush cannot damage any latent prints. Other techniques include using superglue to bind to latent prints and dusting the area afterward to develop a well-defined print.
추천 0

작성일2018-05-04 09:41

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