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예루살렘으로 이전한 미국 대사관 개관식에 참석한 이반카 트럼프 부부

페이지 정보



A ceremony to inaugurate the US embassy in Jerusalem has started with Jared Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump (centre), both top aides to President Donald Trump, attending. The event took place as Palestinian officials claimed 37 protesters had been killed in a 'massacre' along the Gaza border

The festivities in Jerusalem were a stark contrast to the bloodshed on the Gaza border where dozens of protesters were killed by Israeli snipers. Ivanka Trump is pictured unveiling a plaque carrying her father's name on the wall at the embassy today

American and Israeli delegations have begun a festive ceremony to mark the opening of the new U.S. Embassy (pictured) in Jerusalem. U.S. Ambassador David Friedman welcomed the crowd. 'Today we open the United States embassy in Jerusalem Israel,' he said to warm applause.

Israeli leaders and a U.S. delegation including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and President Donald Trump's daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump (pictured) and Jared Kushner, have attended the opening of the embassy, relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in a controversial decision

Ivanka Trump took to the microphone as the embassy was officially opened today. As the festivities took place, deadly clashes were taking place along the Gaza border

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara were among those attending the opening ceremony today

Ivanka Trump's husband JaredKushner was among the speakers as the embassy was officially opened this afternoon

As deadly clashes continued this afternoon, Trump said in a video address aired at the opening that the embassy in has been a 'long time coming'. His daughter Ivanka as pictured walking ahead of&nbspUS Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin at the ceremony today

추천 1

작성일2018-05-14 07:55

StandsandFight님의 댓글

Looks good.
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