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화산 폭발로 적색경보 발령한 하와이 현재 상황

페이지 정보



  • A major eruption of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano is imminent, the US Geographical Survey have said. 
  • The volcano has been erupting for 10 days and nearly 20 lava spewing fissures have opened up
  • Smoke plumes reached 12,000 feet into the air on Tuesday, and lava reached 103 F last week
  • Before and after satellite images have captured the devastation caused by Hawaii's erupting Kilauea volcano 
  • Before and after satellite images show just how destructive the lava flow has been on Leilani Estates
  • The neighborhood on Big Island was evacuated last month given its proximity to the epicenter of the volcano
  • Dozens of homes have been destroyed since eruptions began 10 days ago, about 2000 have evacuated 
  • Residents put out bottles of alcohol on Tuesday as offerings to the Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire 

  • People watch at a golf course as an ash plume rises in the distance from the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii's Big Island as the USGS announces a major, explosive eruption is imminent

    Smoke plumes from the mountain have reached up to 12,000 feet, the USGS announced on Tuesday, and ash is raining into nearby towns

     Some of the vents in the volcano are now reportedly releasing such high levels of sulfur dioxide that it's posing a grave danger to anyone nearby

    A recent lowering of the lava lake at the volcano's Halemaumau crater 'has raised the potential for explosive eruptions' at the volcano 

    Three new fissures (one of which is pictured above) have opened up on Hawaii's Big Island since Monday, raising the possibility that officials might have to order further mass evacuations

    Residents of Hawaii's Big Island are getting prepared to evacuate should Kilauea boil over as predicted

    Despite the imminent danger, with explosions expected at any time, some people were determined to go on as usual

    Pictured: An ash plume rising from the Overlook crater. Ash falling from the plume can be seen just to the right side

    Lava is seen seeping out of Fissure 14 on Tuesday morning. Pulsing, gas-rushing sounds could be heard coming from the crack

    Others were seen gathering to look at the massive smoke plumes rising to the sky (pictured is a woman with her dog, Tzippy)

    The USGS has expressed concern pent-up steam could cause a violent explosive eruption at the volcano crater, launching a 20,000-foot plume that could spread debris over 12 miles

    Residents Cherie Daniel (left) and Lisa Magno (right) are seen taking a selfie as ash pours out of the Halemaumau crater near their homes

    Residents put out bottles of alcohol on Tuesday as offerings to the Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire

    This image is from a research camera positioned on the northwest flank showing the active flow field

    Jolon Clinton, 15, and her sister, Halcy, 17, take photos of a fissure near their home on the outskirts of Pahoa during ongoing eruptions of the Kilauea Volcano

    Two more fissures opened up on Monday and another fissure opened up on Tuesday morning

    More lava-belching cracks are expected to open among homes and countryside some 25 miles east of Kilauea's smoking summit

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    작성일2018-05-16 07:58

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