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해리왕자 결혼식 주례한 목사 패러디한 SNL

페이지 정보



Bishop Michael Curry was parodied on SNL's Weekend Update, with Kenan Thompson playing the American preacher who stole the show at the royal wedding on Saturday 

In the skit, Che introduces Curry as the 'unexpected star' of the royal wedding, adding that he delivered a sermon British journalists called 'unconventional'

'I preached and I testified, and I yelled while 500 stuffy English people looked at me like I was a fart in an elevator!' Thompson joked 

'It felt like somebody opened a chicken and waffles kiosk in the middle of a Potter Barn!' Thompson said in another zinger 

Thompson also joked about the length of Curry's speech, saying he was told he had five minutes 'but the good lord multiplied it to a cool 16!' 

결혼식때 반응

Prince William seemed to be desperately trying to hold back a fit of giggles as Rev Curry talked about how 'fire made it possible to text and tweet'

And Camilla and Kate shared a look of bemusement as the reverend continued his sermon

The passionate preacher provoked a few chuckles in the chapel - and even Harry and Meghan couldn't help but snigger at one point

Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall smiled as they listened 

Zara sat agog, holding her bible, as the reverend talked about the power of love

추천 0

작성일2018-05-22 15:02

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