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페이지 정보



A young couple built a 560sqft 'earthship' home using reclaimed and re-purposed materials with wooden walls reinforced by car tires for just $10,000

A young couple built a 560sqft 'earthship' home using reclaimed and re-purposed materials with wooden walls reinforced by car tires for just $10,000

Architecture student Taylor Bode and his wife, preschool teacher and yoga instructor Steph, both 31, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, decided to build their own home in an effort to reconnect with nature

Architecture student Taylor Bode and his wife, preschool teacher and yoga instructor Steph, both 31, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, decided to build their own home in an effort to reconnect with nature

The wood used to make the tables, walls, ceiling, and cabinets are all made from reclaimed wood

The wood used to make the tables, walls, ceiling, and cabinets are all made from reclaimed wood

The surprisingly spacious interior has a minimalist look and natural light floods the living areas through large windows where discarded colored bottles provide a stained-glass effect

The surprisingly spacious interior has a minimalist look and natural light floods the living areas through large windows where discarded colored bottles provide a stained-glass effect

Building a house isn't cheap but Taylor and Steph managed to complete theirs for just $10,000 after deciding to use free, easily accessible materials to construct a low-tech, high-performance cabin

Building a house isn't cheap but Taylor and Steph managed to complete theirs for just $10,000 after deciding to use free, easily accessible materials to construct a low-tech, high-performance cabin

'Steph and I were 25 years old and fantasised about experiencing a simpler life - the whole Waldon Pond, slowing down and reconnecting with nature idea,' Mr Bode said

'Steph and I were 25 years old and fantasised about experiencing a simpler life - the whole Waldon Pond, slowing down and reconnecting with nature idea,' Mr Bode said

'Car tires became reinforced rammed earth bricks. Bottles became stained glass compositions. Old barn wood was reused for interior finishes,' he said

'Car tires became reinforced rammed earth bricks. Bottles became stained glass compositions. Old barn wood was reused for interior finishes,' he said

An earthship is a type of passive solar house that is made of both natural and up-cycled materials such as earth-packed tires, pioneered by architect Michael Reynolds

An earthship is a type of passive solar house that is made of both natural and up-cycled materials such as earth-packed tires, pioneered by architect Michael Reynolds

It is meant to address six principles or human needs such as: thermo-solar heating and cooling, solar and wind electricity, and self-contained sewage treatment

It is meant to address six principles or human needs such as: thermo-solar heating and cooling, solar and wind electricity, and self-contained sewage treatment

Ms Bode digs into the dirt as the couple build the home in 2014, with the tires they used seen in piles around her
Ms Bode digs into the dirt as the couple build the home in 2014, with the tires they used seen in piles around her

Mr Bode poses holding a hammer with a tool belt around his waist as the interior of the house is worked on

Mr Bode poses holding a hammer with a tool belt around his waist as the interior of the house is worked on

Also provides water harvesting and long-term storage and some internal food production capability

Also provides water harvesting and long-term storage and some internal food production capability

The room includes an old wood fire that blends perfectly with the log cabin in the woods feel

The room includes an old wood fire that blends perfectly with the log cabin in the woods feel

'Living in a passive-solar, earth-sheltered home has a way of forcing a direct connection with diurnal rhythms and the processes of nature,' Mr Bode said

'Living in a passive-solar, earth-sheltered home has a way of forcing a direct connection with diurnal rhythms and the processes of nature,' Mr Bode said

Earthship structures are intended to be 'off-the-grid-ready' homes, with minimal reliance on public utilities and fossil fuels

Earthship structures are intended to be 'off-the-grid-ready' homes, with minimal reliance on public utilities and fossil fuels

They are constructed to use available natural resources, especially energy from the sun and rain water

They are constructed to use available natural resources, especially energy from the sun and rain water

A cozy bedroom with an octagonal window brightened up with old glass bottles of numerous colors
The kitchen is has cabinets made from reclaimed wood with a rustic feel

A cozy bedroom with an octagonal window brightened up with old glass bottles of numerous colors and a kitchen with cabinets made from reclaimed wood with a rustic feel

추천 2

작성일2018-06-07 10:51

하얀눈님의 댓글

자세힌 안봣지만, 땅값은 얼마래유. 일백이십사만불이유?

dongsoola님의 댓글

저건 어디 미국 벽촌 이야기지. 여긴 저런짖 할땅 없다.  머 하나 질려면 별 문서작성 다허고..
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