* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

인스파그램 팔로워가 8만7천명이 있는 아름다운 고양이 공주님.

페이지 정보



더 예쁜 냥이가 있다고 해서 찾아보니 바로 스무티 라는 그린아이 냥이임. 얘는 정말 예쁘네요. 얘도 인스타팬이 140000명. 우와...저 요염한 눈빛좀 보세요. 나 이뽀?

Princess Aurora is not only a bona fide model, she has 87,000 Instagram followers and spends her days being pampered. She recently starred in her first advertisement

Princess Aurora is not only a
bona fide model, she has 87,000 Instagram followers and spends her days
being pampered. She recently starred in her first advertisement

Strike a pose: The self-styled 'world's most royal and beautiful cat' also has a devoted fan base, takes part in lucrative product endorsements and has people creating fan art of her

Strike a pose: The self-styled
'world's most royal and beautiful cat' also has a devoted fan base,
takes part in lucrative product endorsements and has people creating fan
art of her

Star on the rise: This week, Aurora shared her first ever commercial on social media, a 30-second ad for Swedish company Kattbox (not pictured)

Star on the rise: This week,
Aurora shared her first ever commercial on social media, a 30-second ad
for Swedish company Kattbox (not pictured)

Aurora's owners, Emily and Niklas from Sweden, revealed that the feline can be something of a diva

Aurora is also a 'very loveable cat'

models a handmade golden crown. Her owners, Emily and Niklas from
Sweden, revealed that the feline can be something of a diva - but is
also a 'very loveable cat'

Emily and Niklas, who have set up an Instagram and Facebook page for their cat, said: 'Cats are known for being the rulers of the house and Aurora takes that to the next level'

Emily and Niklas, who have set
up an Instagram and Facebook page for their cat, said: 'Cats are known
for being the rulers of the house and Aurora takes that to the next

Fit for a princess: Speaking of their famous pet, Emily and Niklas added: 'She knows she is beautiful, at least that¿s what her manners imply. It¿s her way or no way basically'

Fit for a princess: Speaking of
their famous pet, Emily and Niklas added: 'She knows she is beautiful,
at least that’s what her manners imply. It’s her way or no way

Aurora models a crystal tiara and tutu

What does the moggie do all day? 'She enjoys doing what most royalties do: Eat, sleep and being pampered,' Aurora's proud owners said

famous feline models a tiara and tutu. What does the moggie do all day?
'She enjoys doing what most royalties do: Eat, sleep and being
pampered,' Aurora's proud owners said

Aurora indulges in a spot of grooming. Speaking of their beloved cat, Emily and Niklas added: 'Aurora is a very smart and loveable kitty [...] she gives us the same love a dog does'

Aurora indulges in a spot of
grooming. Speaking of their beloved cat, Emily and Niklas added: 'Aurora
is a very smart and loveable kitty [...] she gives us the same love a
dog does'

추천 1

작성일2018-06-11 15:10

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