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Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump made at least $82 million

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Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump made at least $82 million in outside income last year while serving in the White House, filings show

By Amy Brittain, Ashley Parker and Anu NarayanswamyJune 11 at 9:18 PMEmail the author Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, the president’s daughter and son-in-law, brought in at least $82 million in outside income while serving as senior White House advisers during 2017, according to financial disclosure forms released Monday. Trump earned $3.9 million from her stake in the Trump International Hotel in Washington and more than $2 million in severance from the Trump Organization, while Kushner reported over $5 million in income from Quail Ridge, a Kushner Cos. apartment complex acquired last year in Plainsboro, N.J. The filings show how the couple are collecting immense sums from other enterprises while serving in the White House, an extraordinary income flow that ethics experts have warned could create potential conflicts of interests. Both Kushner and Trump have given up daily oversight of their companies as they work as unpaid senior advisers to the president. But while Kushner divested some holdings, he and his wife have maintained large stakes in businesses with domestic and foreign ties. Kushner’s family real estate company has properties around the country, including thousands of apartment units in states including New Jersey and Maryland. Trump’s eponymous clothing and accessories line is produced exclusively in foreign factories in countries such as Bangladesh, Indonesia and China. Last year, Kushner’s assets were worth between $179 million and $735 million, while Trump’s assets were valued between about $55.3 million and $75.6 million, according to a Washington Post estimate of their filings. Some of their assets were jointly listed. It is difficult to calculate net worth using the forms, in part because the Office of Government Ethics uses broad ranges for assets and liabilities.
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작성일2018-06-12 14:21

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