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The morose expression on this dog's face as its owner cuddles a pet cat speaks volumes 

The morose expression on this dog's face as its owner cuddles a pet cat speaks volumes

They may be fast, but greyhounds enjoy life in the slow lane on occasion, too  
They may be fast, but greyhounds enjoy life in the slow lane on occasion, too

Whatever it is this hamster is telling his faithful flock, he has their undivided attention 

Whatever it is this hamster is telling his faithful flock, he has their undivided attention

If you suffer from&nbspoclophobia - a fear of owls - then a banana could be your secret weapon 

If you suffer from oclophobia - a fear of owls - then a banana could be your secret weapon

Not your average cuppa: These adorable baby chicks formed a huddle around a coffee mug

Not your average cuppa: These adorable baby chicks formed a huddle around a coffee mug

Multi-talented! Who knew that hamsters could cunningly disguise themselves as&nbspcrêpes

Multi-talented! Who knew that hamsters could cunningly disguise themselves as crêpes

When you get a winning shot like this, it's well worth every minute of the 18 months it took to get it 

When you get a winning shot like this, it's well worth every minute of the 18 months it took to get it

Next stop Hollywood: This raccoon could have a big future ahead as an action hero 

Next stop Hollywood: This raccoon could have a big future ahead as an action hero

He fancied a spa day: This runaway dog had the right idea by making for opulent surroundings 

He fancied a spa day: This runaway dog had the right idea by making for opulent surroundings

Look what the cat dragged in: This feline looks inordinately proud to have captured a solitary leaf 

Look what the cat dragged in: This feline looks inordinately proud to have captured a solitary leaf

Paws off: This dog is definitely not willing to share its favourite toy with anyone 
Paws off: This dog is definitely not willing to share its favourite toy with anyone

Don't ever get to thinking you're irreplaceable: This dog looked none to impressed with the impostor 

Don't ever get to thinking you're irreplaceable: This dog looked none to impressed with the impostor

Don't mind us! These furry friends have been caught in the cat and they know it 

Don't mind us! These furry friends have been caught in the cat and they know it

There's always some joker in the background who wants to photobomb your perfect shot!

There's always some joker in the background who wants to photobomb your perfect shot!

추천 1

작성일2018-06-15 11:05

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