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오늘 택사스에 있는 아이들 쉘터 방문한 멜라니아 트럼프

페이지 정보



On the border: Melania Trump visits the Upbring New Hope Children Center, run by the Lutheran Social Services of the South, in McAllen, Texas, an unexpected visit the day after her husband ended the policy of family separation at the border

Side by side: The First lady traveled with Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services, for the trip which was also to a border processing center

Explanation: Officials from the Upbring New Hope Children's Center spoke to the First Lady before she toured the facility to meet children

Round table talks: Melania Trump heard from doctors, social workers and law enforcement at the Upbring New Hope Children's Center in McAllen, Texas

Visit: Melania Trump made an unexpected trip to Upbring New Hope Children's Shelter, where 55 children are currently being held

Concern: The First Lady said she was at the shelter to say 'thank you for your hard work, your compassion, your kindness in these hard times'

Melania Trump arrived in Texas to visit children at a 'tender age' shelter where children including some separated from their families at the border are being held

Surprise: The visit was not disclosed in advance but comes after the First Lady pressured her husband to end the policy of forced separations

추천 0

작성일2018-06-21 10:11

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