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무릎 통증 또는 연골 회복에 맞는 주사는 몇가지

페이지 정보



무릎 통증 또는 연골 회복에 맞는 주사는 몇가지 ?

무릎 연골 軟骨 cartilage 회복에 맞는 주사는 무엇인가요?

콜라겐 주사는 무엇 ?
stem cell 주사는 무엇인가요 ?

knee osteoarthritis 무릎 골관절염

collagen injections

stem cell 주사
값 Stem Cell

부작용은 ?

* Platelet Rich Plasma [PRP] procedures start at $850 for small joint ( eg. Golfer's Elbow) and $1,500 for large joint (eg. Knee). Additional joints done at same session cost only $500 to $850 each.

* ONE Stem Cell - Procedure using Fat or Bone Marrow STARTS at $5,000 for the first joint.

* TWO Stem Cells - SmartChoice Premier Procedure using BOTH Fat AND Bone Marrow Cells STARTS at 6,500 for the first joint.

* Stem Cell Procedures for additional joints treated at the same time cost $1,500 to $2,500 each.
* Stem Cell Procedures for Spine start at $6,500
* Stem Cell Procedures for ED start at $8,500
* Stem Cell Procedures for Face and Neck Cosmetic Enhancemets start at $6,500
* Stem Cell Procedures for Cellulite start at $3,500
인터넷에는 무릎 주사가 몇가지 있네요

Corticosteroid injections
Use : This injection is the first line of defense against osteoarthritis symptoms and other joint pain in shoulders, knees and hips, Dr. Schaefer says. Corticosteroids can offer relief for two to three months, and reduce inflammatory cell activity in the joint.

Side effects : As with all injections, there’s a small chance of infection - about one in 1,000.

Cost : Most insurance covers the $100 cost of these injections. Your insurance provider may require that you try at least one corticosteroid injection first to see whether it works. If not, you may move on to a different therapy.
Hyaluronic acid injections

Use : Hyaluronic acid (HA) injections often are used when corticosteroid injections don’t work. But they usually are approved only for use in the knee.

Side effects : There’s a 1-in-100 chance of an inflammatory reaction, Dr. Schaefer says. However, this reaction is less common with the newer HA injections.

Cost : HA injections cost more — about $300 to $750 per injection, but most insurance companies cover the cost for knee injections.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections

Use : Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections can treat osteoarthritis joint pain, and are being thoroughly researched to understand their effects, Dr. King says.

These injections use your own blood and platelets to promote healing. Platelets contain growth factors and proteins that aid healing in soft tissues. Research shows PRP injections can alter the immune response to help reduce inflammation, Dr. Schaefer says.

Side effects : Side effects include a very low risk of infection and pain at the injection site. You must stop oral anti-inflammatory medications for a short amount of time if you get a PRP injection, Dr. Genin says.

Cost : Insurance companies don’t generally cover PRP injections and you will pay between $500 and $1,000 per injection out-of-pocket.
Placental tissue matrix (PTM) injections

Use : Placental Tissue Matrix (PTM) injections can very profoundly decrease the pain related to osteoarthritis, Dr. King says.

These are injections of placental tissue, which is obtained after a healthy baby is delivered from a healthy mother. Research has discovered that there is a large number of growth factors in placental tissue that promote healing, Dr. Genin says.

Side effects : Side effects include a very low risk of infection and pain at the injection site. The placental tissue is “immune privileged,” which means the body would not have an adverse reaction to it.

Cost : Insurance companies don’t generally cover PTM injections;  you will pay around $1,800 per injection out-of-pocket.
추천 0

작성일2018-06-23 23:31

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