* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

남편 해리왕자와 런던에서 열린 행사에 개나리색 드레스입고 참석한 메간 마클

페이지 정보



The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived at the reception at Marlborough House hand in hand, despite recent speculation that they may be avoiding public displays of affection following their wedding 

The newly married couple put on a very tactile display on Thursday evening as Meghan reached to touch Harry's arm

The couple could be seen applauding a group of musicians who played on the lawn of the house as they arrived 

The couple received a warm welcome from Patricia Scotland (pictured) who appeared to be getting along famously with the newly-minted Duchess

Meghan and Harry arrived to a performance from a calypso band including a steel pan player and a dancing duo

A laughing Meghan was in high spirits as she chatted with Jacob Thomas (left), a 28-year-old activist from Melbourne, Australia, who supports the LGBT community

Jacob said of Meghan: 'The Duchess has had a very longstanding commitment to work for gender equality and she made it clear that will continue'

Prince Harry was equally animated as he listened to members' ideas  on the type of Commonwealth they want to see

As the sun went down the couple looked especially cosy

They shared a private moment together in the courtyard

Meghan negotiated the gravel in a pair of nude heels expertly, while showcasing her slender physique in a &pound1,300 dress

The couple mingled with members of the forum members who shared their ideas on the type of Commonwealth they want to see

The couple appeared fascinated as they listened to the ideas of members from across the commonwealth 

Affectionate Meghan could be seen reaching out to greet a guest, giving his arm a rub as they were introduced in the courtyard

Addressing his audience during a speech Harry said: 'Meghan and I are incredibly excited to meet so many of you representing the future of the Commonwealth'

The newly married couple looked as loved up as ever as they shared a joke during the evening's reception 

The Duchess of Sussex flashed her famous engagement ring as she enjoyed an animated discussion 

Meghan, 36, impressed guests with her grasp of their concerns

She vowed to continue her campaigning for gender equality

Harry could be seen giving his speech a once over before he took to the stage outside Marlborough house 

The couple appeared in good spirits as they addressed guests ahead of tonight's reception 

메간이 입은 드레스는 Brandon Maxwell $1495

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작성일2018-07-09 09:44

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