* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

400불받고 성매매하고 2만불 훔친 카니예 브랜드 모델로 활동중

페이지 정보



Shannade Clermont, 24, was arrested Wednesday on charges including wire fraud and aggravated identity theft 

  • Prosecutors said the man she visited in January 31, 2017, was found dead of a drug overdose the next morning in his midtown Manhattan apartment 
  • The man overdosed on cocaine and fentanyl, and authorities retrieved his iPhone, wallet and a condom from his home
  • Authorities said Clermont used stolen debit card information to try to obtain over $20,000 in order to pay her rent and phone bills and buy plane tickets
  • Prosecutors said that text messages between the victim's phone and Clermont's phone before show that they agreed the encounter would cost $400

  • Shannade Clermont, right, and her twin sister Shannon leave Federal court in New York after her arraignment, Wednesday

    Shannade Clermont, right, and her twin sister Shannon are pictured above today.&nbspShannade, a former cast member of the television reality series Bad Girls Club, was arrested on charges accusing her of stealing debit card information from a man who died shortly after a date with her

    According to court docs, the late man sent&nbspShannade a text that read, 'What do you want to do?' to which she wrote, 'I want to see you for the amount we agreed on. So you tell me. Let¿s do $400'

    Shannade Clermont and her twin sister Shannon are pictured above modelling in a Yeezy camapign

    Out and about: Shannade (R) posed with her sister Shannon at a NYC event in February 

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    작성일2018-07-12 09:08

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