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출근하는 이반카 부부

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Duties: Ivanka has been busy this week promoting a new White House program intended to expand apprenticeships and career training programs for American workersDuties: Ivanka has been busy this week promoting a new White House program intended to expand apprenticeships and career training programs for American workers

Ready for her close-up: Ivanka, who appeared on Fox & Friends later on Friday morning, had her make-up done as she leftReady for her close-up: Ivanka, who appeared on Fox & Friends later on Friday morning, had her make-up done as she left

Outfit: She paired her white dress with a black belt featuring a square buckle, as well as black pointy slingback pumps

Morning commute: Ivanka, 36, left the family's Washington, D.C. home about 15 minutes later in a glamorous, quarter-sleeved white midi dress

Like mother, like daughter: Ivanka, meanwhile, smiled much like her daughter as she walked in front of the cameras to get inside her own Secret Service vehicle

Chic: The first daughter kept her accessories to a minimum for a simple look and wore her hair parted in the middle in a neat straight blowoutChic: The first daughter kept her accessories to a minimum for a simple look and wore her hair parted in the middle in a neat straight blowout

Little helper: Ivanka Trump's daughter Arabella saw her father off to work on Friday morning — and proved she's not the least bit camera-shy 

At ease: Arabella, seven, was seen carrying Jared Kushner's satchel for him around 7:40 am, smiling confidently as she stepped out in her pajamas to bring it to his Secret Service vehicle

Lending a hand: She kept Jared's black satchel on her left shoulder as she made her way towards the vehicle to set down his belongings

On the go: Jared was seen leaving right after his daughter, dressed in a gray suit paired with a white shirt and a dark tie, carrying a bulkier black bag

이반카가 입은 드레스는 빅토리아 베컴 $2040

목요일 CBS와 인터뷰 하러갈때

Interview: Ivanka, 36, sat down with Joe Kernen on CNBC's 'Squawk Box' at the White House on Thursday morning to discuss a new job initiative

Back to work! At some point after her interview, Ivanka returned home, and she was seen leaving the front door of her Washington, D.C. residence at about 1:45 p.m


Ladylike look: Ivanka was all smiles when she stepped out of her Washington, D.C. home in a pale pink suit on Wednesday morning

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작성일2018-07-20 14:12

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