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Mrs Biebs?&nbspHailey Baldwin looks like she's already Mrs Justin Bieber. On Monday afternoon, the 21-year-old model appeared to be wearing a diamond wedding band in addition to a large engagement ring in NYC

Not hiding it: The diamond eternity band was placed on first and then the gold ring after

A touching moment: Their driver stopped at Frankel's where they appeared to get some food

Very touchy feely: The Where Are U Now singer put his hand on her shoulder. Hailey looked incredibly cool in a Heron Preston jacket that featured the brand's signature 'quick release' belt

It's love all right! The cover girl put her arms around the back of Bieber as he looked on

A peck for this pop star: The two kissed each other in front of other diners

Waiting to be helped: It was fun to see the world's biggest singer have to wait at the counter for his meal just like any ordinary Joe

Keeping her man in his place: Justin couldn't move when she pushed him against the counter

So many kisses in one day: The Canadian star pecked the star who is best friends with Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid

He can't stop hugging this lady! The ex of Selena Gomez kept his blonde close

What to get? When they first entered the store, they seemed confused over what to order

Come on Biebs: Hailey then led the musician over to the counter by his hand

Java junkie: The Company singer carried two ice coffees, one which was spilling over, as he revealed his 'Better At 70' tattoo

The new Bieber look: The Purpose singer wore plenty of sports wear and had his hair shaggy under a cap

He is working on new music: Bieber carried out his guitar. He has been working on new songs, but first he wants to get married, says a source

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작성일2018-07-31 08:08

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