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별거중인 남자친구 앤드류와 같이살집 가구 쇼핑하러가는 더 바디 엘 멕퍼슨

페이지 정보



The couple, whose relationship was confirmed by exclusive photographs earlier this month, were also seen holding hands as they enjoyed a day of shopping in Miami, Florida

Wakefield and Macpherson in Miami

Undeterred by rain, they wandered about the upscale retail district, stopping at two home goods stores and a furniture shop before having lunch at trendy restaurant Dr Smood. They even had a little snuggle on an escalator 

Elle, 54, was wearing a pink dress and beige cardigan while Wakefield was sporting baggy jeans, a red T-shirt and espadrilles

Wakefield and Elle together in the shopping district

Earlier this month, DailyMail.com revealed that Wakefield had lost inches off his waistline after replacing his favorite foods with nutrition-packed 'wellness shakes' recommended by healthy-eating Elle

A source previously told MailOnline that Wakefield separated from his wife Carmel in 2017 and first started seeing Elle in late 2017 after they met at an event in Orlando. Pictured: The new couple in Miami

Brian Burrowes, 48, who edited Wakefield's controversial 2016 documentary Vaxxed, said the former doctor started dating Macpherson after meeting her at an awards ceremony in November

Elle and Andrew having a walk

The couple walk down stairs at an upmarket retail area in Miami, Florida, with Elle showing off her thighs and Wakefield drenched by rain 

'When I turned 50, I wasn't feeling very well and I actually wasn't looking very well,' Elle told Megyn Kelly last week, explaining that she was struggling with her skin, hair, and weight. Pictured: Elle and Wakefield in Miami

The supermodel's brand WelleCo offers its own line of 'Super Elixirs,' a blend of 45 plant-based ingredients that dissolve in water for an all-in-one daily health boost. But there is more to her routine than just a healthy powder. Pictured: Wakefield points the way in Miami 

Elle and Wakefield walk away holding hands after the day out in Miami 

2017년 처음 만난 두사람.  당시 앤드류는 결혼한 상태였고 부인을 위해 텍사스 어스틴에 집 지어주고 있었다고함.  거의 다 끝나갈 무렵 갑자기 자신의 인생을 찾고 싶다며 별거 요구.  올해 4월 별거 시작.  아직 이혼은 안한상태라고 함.

Andrew Wakefield and his wife Carmel had just put the finishing touches on a $1.4m Tuscan-style villa (above) in Austin, Texas, when he announced he was leaving

엔드류의 전부인과 자녀들

The Wakefield family - Andrew's ex-wife, Carmel, and their four children - are pictured in a photograph published in 2010

Andrew Wakefield, his former wife Carmel, and their daughter Imogen pose for a picture published in 2010

The Wakefield family - Andrew's ex-wife, Carmel, and their four children - are pictured in a photograph published in 2010

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작성일2018-08-01 10:02

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