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카다시안 & 제너 자매의 2018년 캘빈 클라인 속옷 화보

페이지 정보



Khloe stood out as the only blonde — and, of course, the only pregnant woman of the bunch

She also had fun on a rope swing hanging from the tree, which the girls took turns on

Kendall lounged in her sister Kourtney's lap as they all hung out on a blanket

They also walked together through the grass, holding hands with Kendall in the lead

They treated it as if it were perfectly natural that some would be dressed and others would be in their underwear

The video also captures Kendall playing behind-the-scenes photographer, snapping away as her sisters pose

She alternates between taking pictures and going full-supermodel in clips posted online

The photos are all part of the Fall 2018 campaign, and were shot by photographer Willy Vanderperre and videographer Shane Sigler

In another 30-second video, the ladies are all sitting comfortably on the blanket in their coordinated underwear and playing a game of telephone

Kendall makes up the message and whispers it in Kim's ear

Kim laughs before telling it to Khloe

Kylie reveals the final message as 'Sandra climbed up a prickly tree and caught a lizard?' though the original was 'Sandra climbed up a purple tree. When she found a lizard, she ate it'

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작성일2018-08-01 16:10

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