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경찰에게 쫒기다 자살한 휴스턴 심장전문의 죽인 범인

페이지 정보



20년전 Dr Mark Hausknecht에게 수술받다가 숨진 엄마의 복수로 의사를 죽였다네요.

Joseph Pappas, 62, shot himself in the head on Friday as Houston cops closed in

  • Alert parks department employee tipped off police after spotting Pappas  
  • Pappas had been wanted by police for the murder of Dr Mark Hausknecht 
  • Hausknecht was shot dead while cycling to work in Houston on July 20 
  • Pappas wanted revenge for mom's death on operating table in 1997, cops say 

  • Joseph James Pappas, 62, shot himself in the head on Friday morning in Houston 

    Police said on Wednesday that Pappas was the suspect captured on CCTV (above) following Dr Hausknecht on his bicycle as he cycled to work

    Pappas was wanted by police over the shooting death of Dr Mark Hausknecht (left), who was George HW Bush's cardiologist, in Houston, Texas on July 20

    20년전 수술하다가 돌아가신 범인의 어머니

    Pappas' mother Julia (pictured right with husband) died on Hausknecht's operating table in April 1997. Police said Pappas sought revenge due to anger he felt over his mother's death

    의사 죽이고 총 팔려고 했던 범인

    Pappas apparently tried to sell this semi-auto rifle a few days after the murder 

    This Smith & Wesson revolver was also listed for sale under an account tied to Pappas

    범인의 집

    Pappas signed the deed over to his home in Houston, Texas, over to a woman living in Painesville, Ohio, on July 19, a day before the murder. He then followed it up for three days afterwards and handed the paperwork to a courier on July 23

    어렸을때 부모님과

    Joseph James Pappas (left) is seen with his father, Joseph James Snr, mother and sister in an undated family photo. Police say he murdered  a doctor who once treated George HW Bush due to a grudge he harbored over the death of his mother,&nbspJulia Alice Walker, on the operating table

    Joseph James Pappas (center) is pictured with his father and his sister in 1992

    추천 0

    작성일2018-08-03 15:16

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