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콜로라도 살인범이 근무하는 회사 석유 시추에서 임신 15주된 부인과 두딸의 사체발견

페이지 정보



지난 월요일 새벽 출장갔던 임신 15주된 부인과 두딸이 연락이 안된다며 경찰에 실종 신고함지역 티비에서 나가 남성을 인터뷰... 사라진 부인과 딸들 찾아달라고 수요일 남성은 자신이 두딸과 부인을 죽였다고 자수함사체는 남성이 일하는 석유회사 Anadarko 오일필드에서 발견됨.  아이들과 부인의 사체는 마스크를 쓰고 열어야 하는 오일탱크안에서 발견됨.  2015 파산했다가 부인이 새로운 직장을 잡아 잘되고 있었다고 살인이 있던날 부인은 회사일로 같이 일하는 젊은 남자 직원과 출장갔다가 새벽 2시정도 돌아왔고 돌아온날 5시정도 살해당했다고 함. 일부에서는 남편이 바람을 피웠던거 같다고 하고, 일부는 둘 사이는 탄탄하고 좋았다고 그럴일 없다고 함.  또한 부부는 현재 HOA에서 1500불 소송당한 상태였고 다음주 법정에 가야 했었다고 함.

  • Christopher Watts accused of killing wife Shanann, 34,Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3
  • Two young girls found inside 'nearly full' fuel canisters at field where he worked
  • Investigators believe the method was intended to disguise the smell of decay
  • Watts has not been formally charged and cops not revealing method or motive
  • Faces three counts of first-degree murder and three of tampering with evidence
  • He claimed for days that his family was missing before cops say he confessed 
  • Previously had been active in giving media interviews about disappearance
  • Family had struggled with paying back debts and filed for bankruptcy in 2015
  • Due in court next week to face $1,500 lawsuit from homeowners' association
  • Most friends didn't see troubles between pair but one said Watts was cheating 

법정에 나타난 살인번 크리스토퍼

Watts appeared in court for the first time on Thursday in an orange jumpsuit and shackles. He was denied bail during the appearance 

Christopher (left) was ordered held without bail on Thursday. Family are baffled at the murder and are left piecing together a possible motive at police remain mum on the case

사채가 발견된 오일 필드

The corpses were found on a property owned by Anadarko Petroleum, according to high-ranking sources. Investigators have not yet confirmed the location of the bodies

8월8일에 부인이 페북에 올린 사진

Shannan is seen on August 8

6월에 남편에게 보낸 초음파 사진

She shared this ultrasound of her unborn child in June

The gushing mother would also praise him for being a good father and doting on their daughters. He is pictured with Celeste 

Christopher Watts confessed to killing his wife Shanann and their daughters Bella, four (top right) and Celeste, three, (bottom left) on Wednesday night. The bodies of the two girls were found close to their mothers, stuffed inside oil and gas canisters to disguise the smell

Celeste, three, and Bella, four are seen together in May. Police say the girls were killed in their house along with their mother, and the bodies were moved to an oil field

Christopher and Shanann are seen with their two daughters. Police say that he confessed to the murders and tried to hide the bodies in the oil field where he worked

8월 부인이 올린 사진

Watts posted this photo on Facebook days before her murder, saying that her daughters had wrapped a three-foot plastic doll in the mat from the game Twister

Shanann was extremely active on Facebook, and posted this status praising her husband on June 19 

크리스토퍼가 방송에서 나와 부인과 아이들 찾아달라고 하는 방송

Hours before his arrest on Wednesday, Chris appeared on NBC's Today show (above) where he said he had 'like no idea' where the family went 

잡지에도 나왔던 부부와 아이들

Shanann poses with a magazine spread featuring her family in May. It's not clear what the publication is, but it likely had to do with her job selling health supplements

Christopher and Shanann are seen on a trip to the Dominican Republic, paid for by the multi-level marketing company that she worked for as an enthusiastic seller of supplements

Shannan gushed about her trips and perks as a direct seller for the multi-level marketing firm 

새 직장잡고

'Did you know Le-Vel gives an $800 a month car bonus for hitting only the SECOND rank in the company?! How amazing is that!!!' Shanann wrote in March

2012년 결혼식날

Shanann and Christopher are seen at their wedding in Charlotte in 2012. They both grew up in North Carolina but moved to Colorado shortly after they were married

추천 0

작성일2018-08-17 09:12

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