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결혼 25주년 맞아 부인과 하와이로 놀러간 피어스 브로스넌

페이지 정보



Beach break: Pierce Brosnan and his wife Keely Shae Smith were enjoying a relaxing getaway in Hawaii on Monday, soaking up the sunshine as they spent some quality time together

Getaway: Keely was seen bobbing around in the crystal clear water beside him, shielding her eyes behind a pair of sunglasses

Hitting the beach: Pierce showed off his physique during his shirtless splash in the shallowsHitting the beach: Pierce showed off his physique during his shirtless splash in the shallows

Long-term love: Pierce and Keely recently marked their 25th anniversary, proving that Hollywood couples can last the test of time

Funky trunks: The former 007 star, 65, proved he was still in great shape, donning a pair of patterned board shorts for his swimFunky trunks: The former 007 star, 65, proved he was still in great shape, donning a pair of patterned board shorts for his swim

Smitten: The actor, famed for his Irish charm, gushes enthusiastically when asked about his wife

‘I love her vitality, her passion', he has said. ‘She has this strength that I wouldn’t be able to live without. When Keely looks at me, I go weak'

Sad loss: When he met Keely he was still grieving for his first wife, the Australian actress and former Bond girl Cassandra Harris

Hats off: Sporting a jaunty fedora, the A-list actor was in high spirits during his holiday

Loving life: The Hollywood heartthrob flashed a big grin as he gazed out to seaLoving life: The Hollywood heartthrob flashed a big grin as he gazed out to sea

Stretch it out: Pierce was seen getting in some exercise on the shoreline 

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작성일2018-08-22 08:24

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