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벤 에플렉의 새 여자친구 플레이보이 모델 22세 샤우너 섹스톤

페이지 정보



New romance:&nbspBen Affleck's Playboy model love interest Shauna Sexton hit the beach in Malibu on Wednesday, as her actor boyfriend was pictured being driven to rehab following an intervention from his ex wife Jennifer Garner 

Time out:&nbspThe Playboy model, 22, enjoyed the sunshine in an olive green bikini as she walked barefoot on the sand and had a dip in the ocean 

Beach life:&nbspShauna turned heads as she made her way down the idyllic shoreline, where she put her incredible figure on full show in a skimpy bikini

Playboy model:&nbspThe model looked relaxed and content after enjoying a refreshing dip in the ocean

The bikini revealed her very pert derriere

Alone time: After being spotted with actor Ben multiple times over the past week the model enjoyed some time to herself

The stunner toyed with her hair as she enjoyed fun in the sun

She also played with it once it got wet from splashing in the surf

Partying:&nbspAn insider previously said that Affleck didn't want to feel 'tied down to a serious relationship after his split from Lindsay Shookus, 38

Dates: Shauna was seen out and about with Affleck, 46, several times last week sparking rumors the two are an item 

She was spotted with Affleck at Malibu restaurant Nobu last Thursday

She was also seen grabbing fast food at a drive-thru with him on Sunday

Helped him celebrate:&nbspRomance rumors filled the air when Ben was seen at Nobu Malibu with the blonde beauty just one day after his birthday, where Lindsay was noticeably absent from any festivities 

Career: Sexton still lists herself as 'single' on her Facebook page, and in addition to her career as scantily clad model, boasts about her work with animals as a veterinary technician 

&nbspSingle lifestyle:&nbspSexton told Playboy in May that she was 'very much single' and is looking for someone with a strong head on their shoulders

Stunning figure: She made everything was as it should be as she prepped for a tan session on the popular beach

Looking for someone special: In May the model revealed of her dream man: 'I want someone who's able to compromise but doesn't sell himself short'

Time alone: Shauna looked relaxed as she caught up on some reading and worked on her tan  

Red-dy to rock: The gorgeous model put on a crimson-colored dress as she left the beach after her tanning session

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작성일2018-08-23 08:31

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