* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

엘에이에서 아들 팍스(14세) 데리고 쇼핑나온 안젤리나 졸리

페이지 정보



Mom and me time: Angelina Jolie stepped out with son Pax, 14, in Los Angeles on Sunday as the two enjoyed lunch together and a spot of shopping

Summer style: The actress, 43, wore a strapless camel-colored dress that revealed her cleavage and arm tattoos

Jolie added a matching wrap and matching heels for the outingShe left her hair loose and tumbling around her shoulders and sported a pair of round gold-framed sunglasses

Second eldest son: Pax is one of six children Jolie shares with ex Brad Pitt. She adopted him from Vietnam in 2007 when he was three

Teen style: Pax was dressed in a red and black plaid shirt worn undone over a black tee. He wore faded blue jeans and a pair of red and white sneakers along with sunglasses

Had protection: The two were accompanied by a heavy security presence as they visited trendy Melrose Avenue

Full court press: Since returning to Los Angeles from London recently, Angelina Jolie has been seen out and about with each of her six children individually or in pairs

The public sightings come as she continues her ongoing divorce battle with PittLast Wednesday, news broke the exes have reached an interim custody arrangement

Interim pact: According to The Blast, Jolie and Pitt have agreed temporary custody issues for one month as a custody evaluation continues in Los Angeles

Moving on: After duking it out in public, the Maleficent star let it be known last week that she has had a change of heart and wants an amicable end to her marriage

Sunday Funday: Pax and Jolie seemed to have a good time

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작성일2018-08-27 07:37

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