* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

케냐 대통령부부와 담소뒤 뒷뜰에 나무 심으러 간 멜라니아 트럼프

페이지 정보



Warm welcome: President Donald Trump and his wife Melania welcomed Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and his wife Margaret to the White House on Monday

Radiant: Melania, 48, soaked up the final days of summer in a weather-appropriate ensemble made up of a sleeveless blush pink shirt and long floral skirt, paired with pale pink heels

Welcome to our home! Melania and Donald looked rather somber as the Kenyan first couple arrived at the White House, but they soon put wide smiles on their faces  

Private chat: Melania put an arm around first lady Margaret&nbspKenyatta as the group made their way inside the White House

Forging on ahead! The presidents both stepped in front of their wives, making their way into the White House before the first ladies

Making friends: Melania was no doubt thrilled for the opportunity to get to know Margaret ahead of her solo trip to Africa this fall 

Striking: The mother-of-one modeled her signature textured hairstyle and favorite smokey eye

Strike a pose: Melania and Margaret gamely smiled for the cameras, putting on a united front as their husbands had private conversations behind closed doorsStrike a pose: Melania and Margaret gamely smiled for the cameras, putting on a united front as their husbands had private conversations behind closed doors

Balancing act: While Melania wore incredibly high stiletto heels, Margaret opted for a more sturdy pair of black pumps

Happy: Melania looked delighted to be playing host at the White House, and was seen smiling widely as she bid farewell to the Kenyan first couple 

Give 'em a wave! Both Donald and Melania waved the Kenyan president and his wife off

케냐 대통령부부 배웅 마치고 나무 심으러 간 멜라니아

Gardening: Melania, Richard Emory Gatchell, Jr., fifth generation grandson of President Monroe, and Mary Jean Eisenhower, granddaughter of President Eisenhower planted a tree

Getting stuck in: The first lady heaped two shovel-fulls of dirt over the sapling, ignoring the fact that her $700 heels were digging into the ground

Oh dear: Later in the day, the first lady planted a sapling on the South Lawn, where her sky-high heels caused something of a bother as they sank into the ground beneath herOh dear: Later in the day, the first lady planted a sapling on the South Lawn, where her sky-high heels caused something of a bother as they sank into the ground beneath her

Beat the heat: Melania and her companions happily completed the task at hand, despite the sweltering 89-degree heat

Done! She spent just three minutes on the lawn before retiring back into the shade

멜라니아가 입은 스커트는 발렌티노 $3950, 신발은 루부탱 $695

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작성일2018-08-28 14:48

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