* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

마요르카 섬에서 친구들과 경호받으며 하이킹중인 미쉘 오바마

페이지 정보



Movement: Michelle Obama was spotted on Wednesday heading out for a hike in MallorcaMovement: Michelle Obama was spotted on Wednesday heading out for a hike in Mallorca

Team: The former first lady, 54, was accompanied by a large team that included several members of her security detail

Close watch: Michelle's entourage formed a tight barrier around her in the streets of Mallorca

Outfit: She cut a low profile, shielding her face with sunglasses as well as a baseball hat, which she wore underneath the hood of her sleeveless sweaterOutfit: She cut a low profile, shielding her face with sunglasses as well as a baseball hat, which she wore underneath the hood of her sleeveless sweater

Workout: Michelle broke a sweat as she got active in the island's mountains

Group: She was accompanied by a woman who is believed to be an aide (pictured front in a white T shirt) who tagged along during Michelle's trip to Mallorca last year

Security: Two members of Michelle's team appeared to be wearing black fanny packs that serve as gun holsters (pictured in the burgundy and blue shirts)

Detail: The former first lady was flanked by heavy security during her outing

추천 0

작성일2018-08-30 07:54

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