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손톱 물어뜯는 버릇으로 엄지 손가락에 암생겨 절단한 여성 (사진주의!!!)

페이지 정보



  • Courtney Whithorn developed the nervous habit after being bullied at school  
  • The habit became so severe she even ripped her entire nail bed off in 2014 
  • When her thumb turned black, she hid it for four years out of embarrassment
  • Her biting caused her nail bed such trauma it developed into a rare cancer 
  • Despite surgeries to try and save her thumb, it had to be removed last week

올해 5월 한 남성은 손톱 물어뜯는 버릇때문에 패혈증 걸려서 사망했다네요.

University student&nbspCourtney Whithorn&nbsphad to have her thumb amputated after developing a rare form of skin cancer caused by biting her nails, which was triggered by being bullied 

The stress and anxiety of being bullied caused Miss Whithorn to bite her nail bed clean off in 2014, which caused it to bleed profusely and turn black. Ashamed of her digit's appearance, Miss Whithorn hid her thumb (pictured before her diagnosis) for four years

After eventually going to a doctor, Miss Whithorn endured four surgeries  to remove her tumour. Her thumb was eventually amputated due to the 'protocol' of treating her cancer

She eventually showed her thumb (pictured after her first surgery) to her parents when the surrounding skin began to turn black. It never occurred to her the problem may be cancerAfter seeing a doctor for aesthetic reasons, Miss Whithorn was initially referred to a plastic surgeon, who suggested a skin graft. A biopsy was taken beforehand to be on the safe side, with the results coming back as cancer (her thumb is pictured after her second surgery)

Although the thought of having her thumb amputated initially caused Miss Whithorn to 'freak out', she accepted it after learning her cancer was spreading (pictured after the amputation)

Miss Whithorn says that without the support of her boyfriend&nbspTyson Donnelly (pictured) she is unsure how she would have made it through. The pair have been dating for four years and met after Mr&nbspDonnelly stood up for her at school when she was being bullied by her classmates 

Despite the amputation being a success, Miss Whithorn (pictured after the surgery) has still not been given the all clear. Due to her cancer being rare, doctors are unable to tell the student what her prognosis is, which reduces her to tears every time it is mentioned

Miss Whithorn claims she was more afraid of the needles being used than the amputation itself


Acral lentiginous subungual melanoma is a form of skin cancer that develops on the palms of a person's hand, the soles of their feet or beneath their nail.

It usually starts as a flat patch of discoloured skin, which can look like a stain, that slowly enlarges over months or years. 

Acral lentiginous subungual is a rare form of skin cancer and makes up less than one per cent of melanoma cases in fair-skinned people, who are more at risk.

Its cause is unclear and not related to sun exposure. It is thought to be triggered by genetic mutations and usually affects people over 40.

As the cancer grows, affected lesions can become several centimetres wide, and contain a variety of brown, black, blue-grey and red colours.

Although smooth at first, the affected skin often becomes thick with an irregular surface, like a wart, and may bleed or ulcerate.

Initial treatment usually involves cutting the lesion out. If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, these are often also removed.

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작성일2018-09-06 15:29

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