* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

이혼 후 아이들과 더 가깝게 살기 위해 제임스 파커가 구입한 80밀리언짜리 맨션

페이지 정보



  • The 51-year-old Australian businessman purchased the lavish abode worth $80million in Los Angeles 
  • The mansion boasts seven bedrooms, a marble kitchen, an outdoor swimming pool and an eight car garage
  • The 2700sqm property also includes a beauty salon, a cigar room, a wine cellar and private cinema
  • Mr Packer purchased the house to be closer to his three children and their mother, Erica Packer  

Billionaire James packer has splashed $80million on a seven-bedroom LA mansion (pictured) to be closer to his ex-wife Erica and their children (Photo taken by Joe Bryant)

The 51-year-old Australian businessman purchased the lavish abode which boasts a private cinema (pictured)

The seven-bedroom mansion has an all marble kitchen with a large dining area (pictured - photo by Joe Bryant )

There is a beautiful outdoor swimming pool which would be perfect for the kids to swim around in in warmer weather

Danny DeVito and his wife Rhea Perlman they sold the exquisite property (pictured) back in 2015 for $27million

According to Forbes Mr Packer has a networth of about $3.2billion (pictured - the LA mansion he bought to be closer to his children)

전 부인과 아이들

Earlier in the year Mr Packer decided he wanted to relocate to be closer to his three children, and their mother, Erica Packer (pictured with his family) 

James Packer pictured with his ex wife and mother of his three children Erica Packer - the pair split up in 2013

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작성일2018-09-19 10:05

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