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로얄 패밀리에 전시된 자신의 웨딩드레스보며 기뻐하는 메간 마클

페이지 정보



A radiant Meghan is seen in her Givenchy wedding gown and spectacular hand embroidered veil as she and Prince Harry emerged from St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle as man and wife on May 19th

Happy memories: The Duchess of Sussex smiles broadly as she is reunited with her wedding gown in a clip from the new ITV documentary, Queen of the World 

The documentary, in which the Duchess discusses her wedding day and the elaborate veil she wore to walk down the aisle, marks Meghan's first on camera interview as a member of the royal family 

Meghan's stunning veil was embroidered with flowers from each of the 53 Commonwealth nations at the Duchess's request, as well as wintersweet - which grows in the garden at Nottingham Cottage, the home in the grounds of Kensington Palace she shares with Harry - and the California poppy, a nod to her native state 

The Duchess gently handles the delicate veil in the clip from the documentary, and remarks on the 53 Commonwealth nations it reflects, saying: 'It will keep us busy!'  

The two-part programme will see Meghan (seen on the show) discuss her wedding day and the elaborate veil she wore to walk down the aisle 

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작성일2018-09-19 10:14

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