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3.7밀리언 마켓에 나온 안소니 보덴의 뉴욕 아파트

페이지 정보



Anthony Bourdain's New York apartment is on sale for $3.7million three months after the celebrity chef took his own life

The Upper East Side pad in the tony Carnegie Hill Tower was listed by Bourdain's estranged wife Ottavia Busia who lives there with the couple's daughter. The couple purchased the in 2014 for $3.35million

Bourdain and Busia lived there with 11-year-old Ariane until the couple separated and the chef moved into a New York rental

The kitchen is an open layout with sweeping windows overlooking a tree-lined garden courtyard

The five bedroom apartment is 2,250-square-feet and just a block away from Central Park. It boasts Italian marble bathrooms and bamboo hardwood floors

Bourdain was dating Italian actress, Asia Argento, when he killed himself in June. Pictured: His bathroom and shower

Bourdain was dating Italian actress, Asia Argento, when he killed himself in June. Pictured: His bathroom and shower

Carnegie Hill Tower features full-time doorman services, a garage, an exercise room and a bicycle room

Bourdain's wife has listed their apartment in the tony Carnegie Hill Tower (pictured) for $3.7million

전 부인과 고 안소니 보덴

Anthony Bourdain's estranged wife Ottavia Busia listed the apartment that she and their daughter live in for $3.7million 

여자친구 아시아

Bourdain was dating actress Asia Argento (together) when he committed suicide in June 

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작성일2018-09-20 08:26

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