* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

해리왕자와 엄마 모시고 그렌펠 타워 화재 생존자들과의 점심만찬 참석한 메건 마클

페이지 정보



Meghan arrives with her mother and husband to host the event at Kensington Palace to mark the launch of the cookbook

Meghan helps to prepare food at the launch of a cookbook with  recipes from a group of women affected by the Grenfell fire

Meghan was reunited with the Grenfell community group who provided the dishes for Together, the fundraising publication

The idea for the book came after Meghan was told the kitchen was only open two days a week because of a lack of funds

The duchess joined the women as they cooked the dishes and assisted with the preparations at Kensington Palace today

Guests included members of the local community, representatives from Ebury Press and the Royal Foundation

PrinceHarry beamed at his wife as she stood with her arm around a participant

The Duchess of Sussex helps to prepare food at the launch of a cookbook with  recipes from women affected by the fire

Together is a fundraising publication backed by Meghan which is aimed at supporting the local kitchen where the cooks meet

Meghan talks to one of the cooks as she helps to prepare food at the launch of the book, with recipes from a group of women 

Harry watches on as the Duchess helps to prepare food at the launch of the cookbook in Kensington Palace

Meghan Markle and her mother Ms Ragland beamed as they got out of a car at Kensington Palace this afternoon

The prince stood with his proud mother-in-law at the event

Mom and daughter, reunited at last, looked thrilled to be back in each other's company

Dishes are handed out to those attending in the outdoor reception at the Palace, where Harry and Meghan were present

The tables are laid for Meghan's Kensington Palace reception for the new cookbook, for which she has written a foreward

그렌펠 타워 생존자들 돕기위해 만든 요리책 발간에도 참여함

Meghan cooks with women in the Hubb Community Kitchen at the Al Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre in West London

Their partnership has resulted in the publications of Together: Our Community Cookbook, which features personal recipes

The Duchess of Sussex cooks with women in the Hubb Community Kitchen in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire

고 다이애나의 절친이였던 Lady Colin Campbell 이 메건과 해리 왕자 친구들 사이에 문제가 많다고 했다네요.  정치적 성향을 숨김없이 들어내는 메건이 해리왕자와 친구들 모임에 안가겠다고 하는 경우가 많다고 한다네요.

Princess Diana's friend and confidante Lady Colin Campbell said that Meghan may be better equipped than most to deal with the isolation of royal life because of her past as an actress 

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작성일2018-09-20 08:30

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