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케서린 제타 존스와 마이클 더글라스 부부의 뉴욕 아파트

페이지 정보



Look inside:&nbspCatherine Zeta-Jones has given fans an inside look at the stunning New York apartment she shares with husband Michael Douglas, which&nbspboasts skyline views, a rooftop terrace and wall to wall pink orchids

Happy couple: The 49-year-old actress lives in the Manhattan abode with husband Michael Douglas, 74, to who she has been married for 18 years

Low-key: The living room combines both Catherine and Michael's interior tastes, as it boasts&nbspcalm autumnal colours with beige sofas, mustard walls and brown carpets

Statement: The hallway with its shining marble floors could be an ideal substitute for one of the biggest runways of fashion past, but with a monochrome colour scheme decorate with pink flower walls

Working girl:&nbspA clear lover of Make and Mend, another snap also shows Catherine sewing together clothes in her enormous dining room, with brown wood style hearkening back to the great New York speakeasies of the 1920s

Sleek:&nbspAs a lover of the blue and white colour scheme, Catherine has also implemented the style into both the guest room and her own bedroom, with Ming Dynasty-style vases lining the space with navy walls

Transformed: The bedroom also boasts aqua bedding, pretty gold star lighting fixtures and matching accessories and artwork

Neat and tidy:&nbspCatherine also seems to be an organised woman when it comes to her wardrobe, as a snap of her shoe cupboard shows the array of footwear nearly organised according to heel size and colour

Standout:&nbspThe home is also decorated with bouquet after bouquet of fuchsia pink orchid flowers, which add a pop of colour to the otherwise neutral living space

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작성일2018-10-15 10:23

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