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[펌] Hackers target Embarcadero Media Group for posting 'harmful' conte…

페이지 정보



Hackers on Thursday night shut down five Bay Area news websites after claiming that their operator, the Embarcadero Media Group, "failed to remove content that has been harmful to the well-being and safety of others."

Jocelyn Dong, editor of the Palo Alto Weekly, one of the affected publications, said by phone Friday that the news organization does not know what specific content spurred the attack.

Dong said the news organization has been hacked in the past, but this is the first time a message has been posted.

"This was definitely an intentional, malicious act," Dong said. "As media organizations we are always susceptible to disagreeing viewpoints even if we are just the vehicle for different viewpoints in the community. We definitely take these kinds of attacks very seriously."

Screen grab by Daily News Hackers posted this message on the home pages of websites operated by the Embarcadero Media Group on Thursday.

The websites were still down at 2 p.m. Friday.

Dong said the news organization reported the incident to the Palo Alto Police Department, which referred the case to the FBI.

The websites of the Menlo Park Almanac, Mountain View Voice, Pleasanton Weekly and Embarcadero Media Group were also shut down.

The news organization noticed the attack around 10:30 p.m. Thursday, almost immediately after it happened, Dong said.

Home pages were replaced with an image of a person in a Guy Fawkes mask and a message that read in part:

"Greetings, this site has been hacked. Embarcadero Media Group (Almanac) has failed to remove content that has been harmful to the wellbeing and safety of others. Failure to honor all requests to remove content will lead to the permanent shutdown of all Embarcadero Media Group websites."

The message also directed those who want content removed to email publisher Bill Johnson.

Dong said the hackers have not reached out to the news organization.

"It was indicated in the message there was some dispute, but they didn't communicate with us ... what article or information they objected to," Dong said. "We're really questioning whether that was the case. We just don't know what it is."
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작성일2015-09-21 10:13

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