* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

왜 못주시나요? 그럼 저가알아보겠습니다.

페이지 정보



철자법님이 2005-04-23 09:05:28에 쓰신글
>legal님이 2005-04-23 03:57:58에 쓰신글
>>하하.  인제는 아량을 원하시나요??
>>>>  Dr. Bo Y. Jun has requested professional advise regarding the accusations made on him and the services made in his office.  Due to false information posted on your website, he has come to the conclusion to take immediate legal action if the the posted information is not retracted.  It is to our knowledge that Dr. Jun has a set contracted fee and that there is no evidence of this type of treatment.  If you feel differently, please present evidence that you were given a $1,000 quote for an extraction.  Yet, if there is no documentation it is necessary the website posting be replaced with a narrative explaining that the information posted was incorrect.  Although the first amendment insures U.S. citizens the freedom of speech, it is illegal to provide false information to the public.  Dr. Jun would like to work this out but if there is no cooperation in your behalf, he will be forced to seek legal action against the person who posted the false statement and the provider which has offered to maintain this posting may be held responsible as well.
>>>>  If you are willing to cooperate Dr. Jun would like to speak to you as soon as possible.  Please contact the following number (650) 992-7001.  It is necessary that you call before april 30th or legal action will be taken as stated before. 
추천 0

작성일2005-04-23 23:13

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