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나이 70 살 할머니가 임신? 허 !!

페이지 정보



나이 70 살 할머니가 임신? 허 !!
Pregnant 70 Year Old woman, Would be World’s Oldest Woman to Give Birth
May 21, 2018

나이 70 에 임신이 가능 할까요?
여러분 의견은?
멘스 안하는 할머니가 어케 임신을?


A Mexican woman who is pregnant with her eighth child may be one of the oldest women on record to give birth.

The Daily Mail reports Maria de la Luz, 70, of Mazatlan, Mexico told journalists that she is six months pregnant with a baby girl.

De la Luz would not say if she underwent fertility treatments, but photos of her home suggest she may be too poor to pay for in vitro fertilization or another type of fertility treatment, which typically are expensive.

She did show ultrasound images of her unborn baby to journalists. She said she first noticed signs of pregnancy about three months ago.

“My legs hurt and I was vomiting and felt dizzy. Now they have done around 10 ultrasounds in a private clinic and in the (public) social security hospital. The doctors could not believe it,” she said.

Here’s more from the report :

De la Luz said some of her children were not happy with the news that she was pregnant, saying they told her she was too old for ‘those things’.

She has an appointment with a gynaecologist on July 18 and she said she is expecting to have a caesarean-delivery because of her age.

If her story proves true, the Daily Mail reports she would be the oldest known woman in the world to give birth. There are other stories of 70-year-old women giving birth, including one in India in 2008; however, the women’s ages were never verified, according to the report. It is not clear if de la Luz’s age has been verified yet either.

The current verified record-holder is Maria del Carmen Bousada de Lara, who gave birth to twin boys a week before her 67th birthday in 2006, according to the report. She admitted that she underwent in vitro fertilization to become pregnant.

작성일2018-05-27 00:02

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