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모기가 잘 무는 사람들 Mosquitoes Bite Some People more than others,

페이지 정보



모기가 잘 무는 사람들
Mosquitoes Bite Some People more than others,

According to research,
you are more at risk for mosquito bites
if you ;;
- Are pregnant, 임산부,
- 비만 과체중 Are obese or overweight (because you might exhale more CO2),
- 혈액 O 형, Have an O blood type (you attract more mosquitoes than friends with Type A or B blood)
- 술 자주 마시는 사람, Have recently had alcohol - (this increases your metabolic rate and the amount of CO2 you produce),
- 몸에 열이 많은 사람, Have a higher body temperature,
- 피부에 땀이 많은 사람, Have sweat on your skin,
- Produce more lactic acid, uric acid and octenol[mushroom alcohol, 1-Octen-3-ol] through your pores (these are attractants mosquitoes detect through their antennae)
- Have recently exercised (your raised metabolic rate increases your CO2 emission)
- Are moving (it’s easier for mosquitoes to spot you)
- 검은색 옷 입는 사람, Are wearing dark clothing (dark colors stand out more to mosquitoes)
- 목욕, 샤워 안하는 사람, Haven’t showered in a day or more (old sweat is more appealing to mosquitoes, especially to the species carrying malaria)

If you’re not sweating or breathing heavily and don’t have these other risk factors,
you’ll end up getting bitten less.
In fact, your chances of getting bitten go down dramatically if you’re around people who have stronger mosquito-attracting attributes.

In addition, researchers have found that people who seem to repel mosquitoes may be giving off a chemical that acts as a natural repellent.
Unfortunately, replicating this chemical in the lab has been unsuccessful so far.

작성일2021-07-02 22:28

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