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샌프란시스코 헌터스포인트 10,500채 집진다.

페이지 정보



abandoned Hunters Point Naval Shipyard into a new waterfront community of homes, businesses and green technology.

The 10-1 vote, with only Supervisor Chris Daly dissenting, was a joyous moment for Supervisor Sophie Maxwell, who has spent most of her 10 years on the board pushing to build the community support and political backing needed to move the redevelopment project forward.

Early in the meeting, Maxwell called on the board to quickly approve the plan, which she said would reinvigorate the city's long-neglected southeast section, which she represents.

"We have the rare opportunity to achieve the great work of a number of community members who since 1974 have dreamed of how to fill a hole left in our neighborhood," she said. "There's a certain fear this will bring change to the Bayview. ... Well, I say, 'yes' and about time."

'Historic day'
The vote was also a victory for Mayor Gavin Newsom, who has called the shipyard project a key to the city's future.

"This is a proud and historic day for all San Francisco and for all those who have worked for years to achieve this milestone," he said in a statement. "Together we have secured a critical engine for our city's economic future and embraced a new vision of jobs, housing and hope for the Bayview-Hunters Point community."

The 702-acre project on a base closed in 1974 calls for 10,500 residential units, along with 320 acres of parks and open space. There also are plans for retail and entertainment facilities, as well as commercial space designed for green technology endeavors. The plan also includes a new stadium for the 49ers, should the team decide to remain in San Francisco.

The victory didn't come easy. Any hope Maxwell and other supporters had for a quick resolution rapidly disappeared when supervisors offered more than a dozen amendments to be debated, including a couple that could have killed the project.

The loudest objections came from Daly, who argued that it wasn't enough to set aside 32 percent of the planned units as affordable housing, especially when many of those units would still be too expensive for most Bayview residents.

Daly called for at least 50 percent of the housing to be affordable. He admitted that it would be impossible for Lennar, the project's Miami-based developer, to meet his expanded affordability requirement, but argued that shouldn't be a concern.

If the project becomes too expensive for local residents to move in, "there's going to be a pretty new neighborhood, with lots of white folks living in the Bayview," Daly said.

Michael Cohen, head of the mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development, argued that Daly's amendment was a deal killer, because "the project is not financially viable at 50 percent affordable."

In what turned out to be the evening's most significant vote, the board rejected Daly's amendment 6-5, with Supervisors Ross Mirkarimi, John Avalos, David Campos and Eric Mar joining Daly on the losing side.

The vote was the same on Mirkarimi's proposal to drop plans for a bridge across Yosemite Slough. While environmentalists believe the bridge will cause unnecessary damage to an important stretch of wetlands, Cohen said the bridge connecting the shipyard site with the planned business development at Candlestick Point will provide much-needed transit service for the area.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/07/28/BA7C1EKNGH.DTL#ixzz0v0DnQrR9

작성일2010-07-28 11:21

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