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R2X Token Information - The Logipia Foundation will lead the paradigm …

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R2X Token Information - The Logipia Foundation will lead the paradigm shift in the logistics industry
R2X blockchain meets logistics industry, launches innovative platform
SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 27, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Logipia Foundation, which was established on November 15, 2018 to lead the paradigm shift in the logistics industry in Singapore, will introduce the R2X blockchain to International wire transfer platform starting from 2019, LXC cryptocurrency is used as payment means. Based on this project by applying various technologies utilizing the R2X blockchain technology to the existing marine port logistics industry, the Foundation has concluded business agreements with global logistics companies and plans to expand it.
The R2X blockchain is a block chain developed in the Republic of Korea that overcomes the limitations of conventional block chains and offers a new way to utilize cryptocurrency in real life. It is one of the 4th generation blockchain. POK mining, using Smart wallet, transaction volume the size of the block is variable the transaction throughput per second is greatly improved. In addition, a payment platform based on a blockchain specialized in global B2B transactions is installed to expand the use of cryptocurrency.

The Logipia Foundation plans to transform the new logistics platform business into an innovative model that meets the needs of the world`s leading logistics companies, port operators.

The Logipia Foundation also plans to provide services through the R2X B2B payment system. The system has a total of 1.2 billion R2X and is expected to trade at $10 per 1 R2X.

Many block-chain projects are under way around the world. However, the project has not yet achieved results.
Logipia Foundation say that the blockchain industry will take another step forward with the Logipia Foundation`s new platform.
The real encounters of Blockchain and the real economy are expected to change many of the business-to-business transactions and will have a major impact on the logistics and trade industries.
For more information, visit http://Logipia.org

- 영문기사 원문 요약 번역 -
싱가포르에 설립된 LOGIPIA 재단은 R2X 블록체인을 도입할 예정입니다. R2X 블록체인 기술을 기존 해양 항만 물류 산업에 적용하여 새로운 패러다임을 만들 계획입니다.
 R2X블록체인의 POK 방식은 스마트 노드와 연동되어 가변적인 블록사이즈를 가집니다. 이러한 방식은 더욱 빠른 트랜잭션이 가능하며 B2B 거래에 특화된 기술입니다. LOGIPIA 재단은 R2X B2B 결제 시스템을 제공할 계획이다. 이 시스템은 총 12억개의 R2X를 보유하고 있으며 추후 1개의 R2X당 10달러에 거래될 것으로 예상됩니다.
 LOGIPIA는 새로운 플랫폼을 통해 한발 더 나아갈 것이라고 기대합니다. 블록체인과 실물경제의 만남은 기업 대 기업간의 많은 변화를 가져올 것이며 물류와 무역산업에 큰 영향을 미칠 것입니다.

작성일2018-11-28 20:49

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