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A leveraging power backed by lender

페이지 정보



you know you're talking out of your ass. i'm glad that you mentioned that this is only your own opinion. how is 10% down better than 20%. are you in middle school or something? you pay interest on money that you hold. down 20% and you can always take out a loan. i don't expect you to understand but think about the words hard "you pay interest on the money you hold"

just say stupid shit like " it's not a good market so don't buy now" but do not disclose your poor intelectual judgement by saying "let;s say your house goes down by 15%... blah...blah...blah..." hell, let's say your house goes up by 15%!!!

you have NO idea, my son. for a starter, read the threads that 특종 has posted.

AegisEver님이 2006-05-11 11:22:07에 쓰신글
>This is my own opinion. thus, don't take my advice too seriously.
>First, I'm not realtor. But, Real Estate Industry interests me a lot.
>Please think of how much you earn monthly and whether or not you can bear the mortgage burden first before how much you can make a down payment up front.
>Second, regardless of the housing market for a few years to come, once you think you would be able to buy a house, you buy a house.
>IF I WERE YOU, I would NOT go with 20% down payment. I'd rather go wtih 10% unless you have more than good enough for 20%. And you keep the rest in your pocket-  I mean high liquidibility money market like CDs because you'll have a lot more payments for the first year of purchase.
>It soulds like ridiculous. But, make money work for you not the other way around-you have more tax benefits and better night sleep. You'll have to pay at least $3K and more per month if you have a $850K or above house depending your financing plans. If you think that $3K takes account for less than 33% of your monthly income, then that's perfect.  I would NOT be too sensitive on a few basis points discriptancy on Interest Rate you will pay.
>Ask youself why some folks make a profit out of apparent down market. Let's assume that your home price goes down by 15% to $723K or more, then there should be more financial products to the market to ease away your burden little bit. There seems to be inverse relationship between home price and interest rate. If IR goes down, you end up buying a house with premium, everyone thinks it's a buyer's market now. But, you don't pay premium at least.

작성일2006-05-11 13:32

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