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미국 부동산시장의 침체가 지속되고 있음에도 불구하고 뉴욕 맨해튼의 부동산시장은 집값 상승세 기록을 이어가며 침체를 '나 몰라라'하고 있다.

뉴욕타임스(NYT)는 3일 주요 부동산 중개업체들이 내놓은 작년 4.4분기 맨해튼 부동산시장 거래 동향을 소개하며 이같이 보도했다.

부동산 중개업체 프루덴셜 더글러스 엘리먼에 따르면 4분기 맨해튼 아파트의 가격은 1천만 달러 이상 고가 아파트 판매 증가에 힘입어 평균 140만 달러에 달해 1년 전에 비해 17.6% 올랐다.

또 아파트 판매도 작년 동기보다 3.2% 증가했고, 매물로 나와 팔리는 기간도 작년 동기보다 18일 짧아졌으며 팔리지 않은 아파트 재고 물량은 13.5% 감소하는 등 다른 수치들도 맨해튼 부동산 시장이 여전히 강세임을 보여주고 있다.

맨해튼 아파트 가격의 기록적인 가격은 대부분 부유층들의 고가 주택 매수세가 지속되고 있는데 따른 것으로, 부동산 중개업체 브라운 해리스 스티븐슨과 할스테드 프로퍼티에 따르면 1천만 달러 이상에 팔린 아파트가 지난해 3배로 늘어났다.

이들 중개업체의 이코노미스트인 그레고리 헤임은 고가 부동산시장이 맨해튼 부동산 시장을 주도하는 현상은 닷컴 붐으로 돈을 번 부자들이 고가 아파트에 돈을 쏟아부은 2000년 이후 처음이라고 말했다.

특히 할렘 지역의 경우는 고가의 신규 주택이 분양되면서 아파트 평균 가격이 89만5천 달러로 93%나 급등했다.

신문은 그러나 맨해튼의 일부 외곽지역은 가격이 떨어지는 등 부동산시장 상승세가 다소 둔화되는 모습도 나타나고 있다면서 부동산 중개업체들은 올해의 경우 금액이 큰 모기지 조달에 어려움을 겪는 매수자들이 늘어나고 월스트리트 종사자들의 보너스도 줄면서 부동산시장이 지금 같은 기조를 유지하기 어려울 수도 있다고 전망했다고 전했다.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Manhattan real estate continues to buck national trends - New York home prices soared during the last three months of the year, according to several surveys released Thursday.

The median (midpoint) price for a condo or co-op apartment rose 15 percent to $915,000, according to the Corcoran Group, one of New York's biggest brokers. Surveys by two other brokerages, Brown Harris Stevens and Halstead, showed 14 percent growth, to $828,000.

A survey by Prudential Douglas Elliman showed lower growth, at 6.4 percent, but a median price of $850,000.

"It's like the Energizer bunny," said Pam Liebman, CEO of Corcoran. "It just keeps going and going and going."

Despite a mini-building boom, demand for Manhattan apartments continued to outstrip supply.

Several thousand new condo units have come on to the market this year, according to Jonathan Miller of Radar Logic, which compiled the statistics for Prudential Douglas Elliman. But the number of homes for sell dropped sharply, with a 13.5 percent decline.

New supply in New York does not come to market swiftly - there's simply too little developable land. Plus, notoriously Byzantine zoning and building regulations makes building expensive.

In the most in-demand areas, such as 15 Central Park West, near Columbus Circle, prices can take the breath away. A two-bedroom, 2,750 square foot condo in a new, luxury building recently sold for $12.5 million.

Several factors buoyed the Manhattan market:

Bonus Money Wall Street brokerages, despite a hit from cratering mortgage bonds, still paid out big, end-of-year bonuses.

Overseas Buyers Another major factor is the influence of foreign buyers, according to Greg Heym, chief economist for Brown Harris Stevens. The dollar's decline made buying in Manhattan something of a bargain for them.

Low Interest Rates On the lower end, reasonable interest rates kept monthly mortgage payments within reach for many New Yorkers.

Rising Population Also adding to demand has been an upswing in the population of Manhattan - it grew nearly 5 percent from 2000 through mid-2006.

"We have a tremendous demand from a wide range of buyers including new families, retired couples returning to the city and an increasing amount of foreign buyers," said Diane Ramirez, president of Halstead Property. "Right now, there is just not enough inventory."

Even Manhattan's bargain (comparatively) areas are getting into the act. "Prices are way up, uptown," said Miller, "and the market share is much higher." Many Manhattanites, priced out of other areas, have turned to Harlem and points north.

Corcoran lists a two-bedroom, 2,000 square-foot condo in Central Harlem for nearly $1.8 million. All told, Harlem prices rose a whopping 56 percent this year, to a median of $610,000, according to Halstead.

According to Liebman, Harlem will be a very hot market. "It's easily commutable, many of the buildings have Central Park views and there are a lot of great buildings to redevelop; it has good bones. You get the most bang for the buck there."

None of the brokers forecast any major change in 2008, good or bad. "We continue to have a strong and stable residential market in Manhattan with new records and unbelievable closings in high-end new developments," said Ramirez.

작성일2008-01-03 02:49

zz님의 댓글

Like I said and Big tree said. It's location, location and location. GET IT? Those who haven't bought the house yet, better think twice this year.  You might not able to buy house in the bay area any more.  You could buy one in Huston.~~
부동산/융자 목록
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