* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

내 생각 - New buyers only!

페이지 정보



Appreciation is finally sorta normalizing in Bay Area. Why
not wait a little longer to see where this is going? If you
already have money saved up for down payment, that's
awesome! Why not save some more for another year?
Another year wouldn't kill ya even if the market is staying at
current level. If the market continue to appreciate at a
normal level even after a year compared to last 30 years,
why not making the purchase then? Just ignore real estate
agents and brokers sales pitch. They just have less
business compare to last couple of years...
they need money from YOU.

Ignore those who pretend to be salaryman and engineers
on this forum. Just think about it. Those salaryman and
engineers have absolutely no reason to write long long
messages to persuade you like buying a new house NOW is
the best thing you can do in your whole life. They may have
purchased houses recently and they just don't want to see
their life savings go down the drain... they are talking
"long-terms" but they don't want to see immediate drop in
price after they bought it. All this talk about housing bubble
must have got them worried sick. 특종's messages didn't
particularly help them either. Now that 특종 is gone, they are
coming up with this all BS... Have you seen any of them
posting messages based on news articles or statistics from
trusted source? Not really... Why not? Cuz they can't really
find any articles that would support their arguments. Most of
the real estate articles on major news papers express negative
views on the market.

Whether you are ready for payments or not,
buying a house NOW is too RISKY!!

작성일2006-06-30 17:56

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부동산/융자 목록
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