* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

mls listing의 PS PR이 뭔가요?

페이지 정보



<P>Please think of me as you, or anyone you know in  Los Altos, <br>
Los Altos Hills, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Portola Valley, <br>
Cupertino, Sunnyvale, Redwood City, San Mateo and Burlingame <br>
areas is thinking of selling or buying a home. <br>
<b> Andrew Kim </b>[(650) 339-3855] and my team <br>
will assure you a thorough, and pleasant real estate experience.<br>
  <P> Every so often, I explain the meaning of each pending status,<br>
 just to refresh those not in the real estate market.  <br>
  <P> <b> Pending Show</b> - The house has an accepted contract on it <br>
 with some contingencies.  Contingencies are the "ifs" in real estate. <br>
 For example, "I will buy your house 'if' there are not $15,000 in termites <br>
that I need to fix."  The Buyers will have a specified number of days to then <br>examine any termites.. and to remove their contingencies.  <br>
Once again, that's pending show.<br>
  <P> <b> Pending Release</b> - The house has an accepted contract <br>
on it.  However, the Buyers need to sell a home they own currently<br>
 before being able to perform to the accepted contract. <br>
 Frequently these contracts will have a "kick out clause" which <br>
allows another buyer to make an offer and the owners to accept that <br>
 second offer if the first Buyers cannot perform to the first contract <br>
within a reasonable amount of time, usually 72 hours.<br>
 <P>  <b> Pending</b> - This means the house has an accepted contract <br>on it, there are no standing contingencies, it is just a matter of time<br>
 before the escrow closes (meaning all monies are transferred <br>
appropriately), title is changed (the name is transferred to the new owners), <br>
and the keys are delivered. <br>
 Escrow, title, and keys usually finalize on the same day. <br><br><br><br><br><br>

초보님이 2008-10-19 23:10:29에 쓰신글
>mls listing에 보면 집 앞에 이런 사인이 붙어있습니다. 이 차이가 뭔가요?

작성일2008-10-23 00:39

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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