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[ 2023-11-01 ] 산타클라라 카운티, 이민자들을 위한 설문조사를 실시 11/13까지

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산타클라라 카운티, 이민자들을 위한 설문조사를 실시 10/30까지

산타클라라 카운티에서 이민자들을 위한 설문조사를 실시하고 있습니다.

설문조사는 무기명으로 진행되며 11월 13일까지로 한인이민자들의 목소리가 향후 카운티의 정책 수립에 많이 반영될 수 있도록 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.

- 한국어를 선택해서 설문조사에 참여

- 설문조사 링크: SCCimmigrantsurvey.com

아래는 설문조사에 대한 일반 정보입니다.

Your county government wants to hear what you think about services and inclusion in Santa Clara County.
This is a chance to make your voice heard for your community.
The 2023 Santa Clara County Immigrant Survey is a unique opportunity to tell the County what you think.
The County is asking for your views and experiences to help make its services better.
The County needs to learn about your experiences to make its policies and programs more inclusive for everyone.
The survey results will help the County know how to improve services and programs for immigrant communities.
The County is committed to using this survey’s results to guide decision making on policies, funding, and service delivery to immigrant communities.
This survey is the first of its kind in over 20 years. Our input will benefit our communities and children for years to come.
This survey asks for community members’ honest opinions, experiences, and priorities.
You will not be asked for your name, address, or immigration status as part of this survey.
Your participation in the survey and all of your responses are completely anonymous.
Our responses to this survey are a voice for our community. Let’s make sure we’re represented!

*The County's communications toolkit can be accessed here.

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